Show Your Support for IRV

Please sign below to show your support for instant runoff voting. The more signatures we have, the easier it will be for this important legislation to move forward.

"We, the undersigned citizens of South Carolina, are tired of the State of South Carolina wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars every two years on unnecessary runoff elections. I’m fed up with making voters waste their time going to the polls twice to elect someone, when there’s a simple way to vote just once. I’m frustrated with not voting my conscience due to fear of splitting my vote or acting as a 'spoiler'. I’m upset that candidates can be elected without a majority of the votes cast. We are tired of negative and divisive politics. I long for a voting system that promotes respectable candidate debates instead of the current practice of 'mudslinging' and 'flaming.'
We believe South Carolina can be a leader in bringing civility and efficiency back to our government through the use of instant runoff voting.
I appeal to the South Carolina Legislature to pass - and the Governor to sign – legislation that allows instant runoff voting in South Carolina elections."

Together we can make a difference!

In addition to signing below, get involved or make a donation to help in our mission.

Who's signing

Sharon Ayling
Karin Sisk
David Todd
Matthew Smith
Vijay Tripathi
Harold Geddings
Bob Hooper
Chuck Newton
Clint Eisenhauer
Barbara Kelly
Patsy Deerhake
Lisa Savage
Michael Smale
Karna Hutton
Catherine Wilkins
Stephen Caporossi
Lori Strickland
Rebecca Ansley
William S Viele
Marilyn Lekan Williams
Donna McGreevy
Ellen Gunst
Steve Walls
Elaine Cooper
Lyle Mortensen
Michael Gavin
Janet Lomicka
Sharon Klompus
Sylvia Arrowwood
95 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 82 reactions

  • Cara ERICKSOn
    signed 2025-02-09 16:10:53 -0500
  • Sharon Ayling
    signed 2025-01-15 10:00:52 -0500
  • Karin Sisk
    signed 2024-06-01 10:24:28 -0400
  • David Todd
    signed 2024-06-01 09:22:30 -0400
  • Matthew Smith
    signed 2024-05-18 12:11:41 -0400
  • Vijay Tripathi
    signed 2024-03-30 10:06:48 -0400
  • Harold Geddings
    signed 2024-03-29 07:07:16 -0400
    We in the Workers Party heartily endorse this.
  • Bob Hooper
    signed via 2024-01-11 10:05:02 -0500
  • Chuck Newton
    signed 2024-01-10 21:14:30 -0500
    Not a heavy lift. Vote yes
  • Clint Eisenhauer
    signed 2024-01-04 13:57:23 -0500
  • Barbara Kelly
    signed 2024-01-01 20:58:31 -0500
  • Patsy Deerhake
    signed 2024-01-01 13:53:35 -0500
  • Lisa Savage
    signed 2023-11-24 09:26:59 -0500
  • Michael Smale
    signed 2023-10-01 10:41:05 -0400
  • Karna Hutton
    signed via 2023-09-06 10:08:27 -0400
  • Catherine Wilkins
    signed 2023-09-05 08:03:19 -0400
    Let’s get our former Governor to the White House, South Carolinians! VOTE HALEY!
  • Stephen Caporossi
    signed 2023-09-03 08:40:03 -0400
  • Lori Strickland
    signed 2023-08-27 08:23:09 -0400
    This is a better system for everyone.
  • Rebecca Ansley
    signed via 2023-08-15 10:45:01 -0400
    Rebecca Ansley
  • William S Viele
    signed 2023-08-15 10:29:32 -0400
  • Marilyn Lekan Williams
    signed 2023-07-16 19:33:04 -0400
    This is the smart thing to do.
  • Donna McGreevy
    signed 2023-07-15 09:07:24 -0400
    Alliance Party supports Instant Runoff voting
  • Ellen Gunst
    signed via 2023-07-15 05:58:59 -0400
  • Steve Walls
    signed via 2023-07-14 08:35:19 -0400
  • Elaine Cooper
    signed 2023-07-14 08:31:20 -0400
  • Lyle Mortensen
    signed 2023-05-15 17:00:22 -0400
  • Michael Gavin
    signed 2023-05-02 06:51:04 -0400
  • Janet Lomicka
    signed 2023-04-25 20:53:29 -0400
  • Sharon Klompus
    signed 2023-04-25 16:57:15 -0400
    IRV will save time and money.
  • Sylvia Arrowwood
    signed 2023-04-10 10:25:30 -0400
    We need this.