Help spread IRV in South Carolina – Donate to BBSC today

Thank you for supporting better elections in South Carolina!

Thanks to your support, we have already come a long way towards making Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) a reality in South Carolina. In the 2024 alone…

  • We grew by more than 400 supporters
  • We had a bipartisan bill sponsored in the SC House (H.4022)
  • H.4022 had a subcommittee hearing and many groups spoke in support of it

2025 is off to a good start with our new bill filed in the house

We are a volunteer staff and our operations are entirely funded by your donations. Thank you for helping us educate South Carolina voters about the benefits of IRV.

Every dollar you give is a step toward giving SC voters more voice and more choice in elections. By making a recurring monthly donation, you can turbocharge your impact!


  • $5 - Sends 100 text messages to supporters when urgent action is needed (contacting their legislator prior to a hearing)
  • $25Produces 25 information packets to share with elected officials during our annual lobby day
  • $50 - Provides a volunteer with a kit including all the canvassing materials they need to power the movement for better elections (T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, canvassing materials)
  • $75Connects 100 SC Voters with an interactive presentation on the benefits of instant runoff voting
  • $100 - Reaches 1,000 South Carolinians with a real world example in the privacy of their own home
  • $150 - Allows 5 volunteers travel to the State House for our annual lobby day
  • $200Covers the cost of monthly tabling events to connect with South Carolina voters to put pressure on their legislators to support IRV


Donate Here


You can donate $5/month or a one-time gift of $50 or more to receive this sticker! (10"x3")

Get your free sticker with donation!



We are a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization.

EIN: 86-2132167

Thank you for powering the movement for better elections!

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  • Nicole Sanchez
    published this page 2023-11-15 20:56:11 -0500