Better Ballot Bulletin: February 15, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Great events to get plugged in!

Phonebanking with BBSC: February 17, 5pm. We're calling supporters to let them know about our upcoming organizing meeting. The more people we have out, the more impactful our statement is!

Statewide Strategy Call: Postponed to Wednesday Feb 26, 6:30pm. Our monthly meeting are the 4th Tuesday (usually) of the month! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

Majority Rules Screening: March 2, 2pm. Join the League of Women Voters of Charleston and fellow IRV supporters (or those just curious) to learn about instant runoff voting's use across the country, but particularly in Alaska.

Letter to the Editor Training: Feb 3, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.



Oakley, UT considers ranked choice voting for 2025 elections: KPCW


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Ranked Choice Voting in 2024: A year in Review: FairVote

Votes for snow plows using instant runoff voting: Madison, WI (voting closes Feb 24) and Portland, OR

Birth of the RCV reform movement (and its terminology): Democracy SOS

H.3589 Municipal Option Bill

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. Last session we got a hearing, this year we want to go even further, but we need your help.

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.


We'll be hand delivering postcards from constituents. Do you want your legislator to know you support IRV or have a group of friends who would like to submit them? Great! Let us know and we'll send them to you.

Speaking Opportunities

When people hear about instant runoff voting, they like it. If you are a part of a group that hosts speakers, please consider a Better Ballot SC speaker. We'd love to spread the word among your network.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: February 1, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

How can I help?

Attend an organizing meeting: Held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, these meetings are how we come together and push the movement forward. They're hybrid!

Postcards: We'll be hand delivering postcards from constituents. Do you want your legislator to know you support IRV or have a group of friends who would like to submit them? Great! Let us know and we'll send them to you.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call: Feb 25, 6:30pm. Our monthly meeting are the 4th Tuesday of the month! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

Phonebanking with BBSC: February 17, 5pm. We're calling supporters to let them know about our upcoming organizing meeting. The more people we have out, the more impactful our statement is!

Letter to the Editor Training: Feb 3, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.




Improve S.C. politics, S.C.'s bad planning | Letters: Post and Courier

The Legislature is Back. Get Ready with Us: SC ACLU


Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!

These DC Food Activists Were Behind the Ranked-Choice-Voting Initiative: Washingtonian

Commentary: How Fear of Being ‘Primaried’ Is Breaking Senate’s Constitutional Role: Real Clear Politics

Ranking even more candidates might soon be possible in Arlington elections: ARL Now

Miss the Ranked Choice Voting Day Celebration? You can watch it here.

IRV can be used for less serious (debatable 🤣) choice. Check out the NFL, Oscars, and snow plows.

Alaska ranked choice repealers face more fines for campaign finance violations: Alaska Beacon

H.3589 Municipal Option Bill

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. Last session we got a hearing, this year we want to go even further, but we need your help.

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.


Speaking Opportunities

When people hear about instant runoff voting, they like it. If you are a part of a group that hosts speakers, please consider a Better Ballot SC speaker. We'd love to spread the word among your network.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: January 15, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Ways to help now

Phonebanking: Every single one of our supporters needs to know about our new bill and our Day of Action (lobbying and rally). Please join us in helping call.

Postcards: We'll be hand delivering postcards from constituents. Do you want your legislator to know you support IRV or have a group of friends who would like to submit them? Great! Let us know and we'll send them to you.

Great events to get plugged in!

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and advocacy. Meet us afterwards for Food and Fellowship.

Lobbying Day: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse lobby. Direct, constituent lobbying is one of the impactful ways to have your voice heard. We need to speak to our representatives and let them know about the importance of instant runoff voting. Training will be provided.

Letter to the Editor Training: Feb 3, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

Phonebanking with BBSC: Jan 16, 5pm. We're calling supporters to get them to the rally and lobbying. The more people we have out, the more impactful our statement is!

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.




Voices from Georgia and North Carolina in support of instant runoff voting


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Civic Federation votes to press ahead on governance changes: ARL Now

City of Hazleton sued for suppressing Hispanic vote, local officials respond: Fox28 (In a similar suit against Eastpoint. MI, IRV was the solution to the problem)

Curious about the Fair Representation Act? Check out this FairVote fact sheet

H.3589 Municipal Option Bill

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. Last session we got a hearing, this year we want to go even further, but we need your help.

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.


Speaking Opportunities

When people hear about instant runoff voting, they like it. If you are a part of a group that hosts speakers, please consider a Better Ballot SC speaker. We'd love to spread the word among your network.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: January 1, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Ways to help now

Phonebanking: Every single one of our supporters needs to know about our new bill and our Day of Action (lobbying and rally). Please join us in helping call.

Postcards: We'll be hand delivering postcards from constituents. Do you want your legislator to know you support IRV or have a group of friends who would like to submit them? Great! Let us know and we'll send them to you.

Great events to get plugged in!

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and advocacy. Meet us afterwards for fellowship and food.

Lobbying Day: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse lobby. Direct, constituent lobbying is one of the impactful ways to have your voice heard. We need to speak to our representatives and let them know about the importance of instant runoff voting. Training will be provided.

Letter to the Editor Training: Jan 6, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

Phonebanking with BBSC: Jan 5, 5pm. We're calling supporters to get them to the rally and lobbying. The more people we have out, the more impactful our statement is!

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.




Winning is the only thing: Ranked choice voting works for conservatives when they use it: Cardinal News (Written by Chris Saxman, speaker at the 2024 IRV/RCV Rally and he'll be back in 2025)


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FairVote Poll: Majority of Third Party Voters Favor Trump Over Harris, Back Ranked-choice voting: Independent Political Report

How Alaska is making government work again: Fulcrum

ACC Commission urges state legislature  to allow ranked choice voting: Athens Political Nerd (news from our southern neighbor)

Ranked choice voting debuts in Portland: vast majority ranked their ballots and elected a candidate of choice: FairVote

H.3589 Municipal Option Bill

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. Last session we got a hearing, this year we want to go even further, but we need your help.

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.


Speaking Opportunities

When people hear about instant runoff voting, they like it. If you are a part of a group that hosts speakers, please consider a Better Ballot SC speaker. We'd love to spread the word among your network.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: December 15, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

H.3589 Introduced

Prefiles have concluded. Representative Dr. Jermaine Johnson has filed our municipal option bill. Last year we had a fantastic lobbying effort around our bill and got a hearing. This year we'll be doubling down on our advocacy efforts.

It all starts with our lobbying day and rally. Join us to tell our legislators that we want more voice and more choice.

Great events to get plugged in!

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and fellowship. Join us afterwards for fellowship and food.

Lobbying Day: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse Lobby. Direct, constituent lobbying is one of the impactful ways to have your voice heard. We need to speak to our representatives and let them know about the importance of instant runoff voting. Training will be provided.

Letter to the Editor Training: Jan 6, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.



While South Carolina doesn't have runoffs for our general elections, other states do. Unsurprisingly, the runoffs had low turn out. Check out Louisiana and Georgia.


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The future of instant runoff voting reform: The Brookings Institute

'It's a very dangerous strategy': The controversial tactic super PACs used to boost Democrats this year: Politico

News from Alaska: IRV Repeal Fails, 5 Takeaways from Alaska's Elections, and Take the Quiz: How would you mark these ballot errors?

New surveys: Alaska and Portland, OR voters find ranked choice voting simple: FairVote

47% of voters feel they voted for "lesser of two evils" in 2024 elections: FairVote

Some fun to close out the news section: Andrew Yang's Ted Talk about electoral reform made the top ten Ted Talks! Plus, right whales named using instant runoff voting.

Municipal Option Bill

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: December 1, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call and Holiday Party: Dec 10, 6:30pm. This special meeting we'll cover business and then enjoy fellowship! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.

Letter to the Editor Training: Dec 2, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and fellowship. Join us afterwards for fellowship and food.

Lobbying Day: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse Lobby. Direct lobbying is one of the impactful ways to have your voice heard. We need to speak to our representatives and let them know about the importance of instant runoff voting. Training will be provided.



Ranked choice voting initiatives fared poorly in the West. Experts point to complexity, lack of clear ‘why’: Boise State Public Radio


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Alaska’s ranked choice repeal measure fails by 664 votes: Alaska Public Media

Two Alaskan Senators wrote The Alaska Model for Democracy in Elections: Harvard Law School

Portland used single transferable vote for the first time. They got more choice, better representation plus high voter engagement and a strong consensus for winners.

Listen: I was told there would be no math: Frogmore Stew (Clip starts at 8:05)

Court strikes down Evanston's ranked choice voting effort: Evanston Roundtable

Letter to Congress on Supporting the Select Committee on Electoral Reform: Scholars for Electoral Reform


Municipal Option Bill

To be introduced again by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: November 15, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call and Holiday Party: Dec 10, 6:30pm. This special meeting we'll cover business and then enjoy fellowship! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.

Letter to the Editor Training: Dec 2, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and fellowship. There will also be a lobbying day preceding the rally. Details TBD.




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How to Talk to Your Friends About Instant Runoff Voting: FairVote

Alaska is still receiving votes, but their repeal measure is currently winning. Read about the coalition government they've formed under IRV voting rules. Check out the preliminary cast vote record.

Chris Saxman: Rank Choice Voting for GOP Primaries Makes Sense: The John Fredericks Show

Portland used ranked choice voting for the first time: Leaders say it went well. They elected the most diverse city council in their history. Plus, an opinion piece in support.

Ranked choice voting sparks debate in the Carolinas: ABC15

Lastly, check out this Rolling Stones article from February about who opposed IRV and why.

Municipal Option Bill

To be introduced again by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: November 1, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 22, 6:30pm. Our monthly meeting are the 4th Tuesday of the month! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.

Letter to the Editor Training: Dec 2, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV/RCV Rally: Jan 28, 2025, Statehouse steps. It's time to rally! Join us for great speakers and fellowship. There will also be a lobbying day preceding the rally. Details TBD.





Maryland Rep Jamie Raskin discuss how IRV (Short)

Stan Lockhart at the FairVote Awards on Utah's use of IRV (Short)

FairVote discusses how IRV ensures majority winners (Short)


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Why Democracy Lives and Dies By Math: New York Times

Listen: Talking Ranked-Choice Voting  with Walter Olson of the Cato Institute: KOA

Alaska Federation of Natives endorses Peltola, opposes ranked choice repeal: Alaska Beacon

Mary Peltola has carved out her own space in Washington: Washingtonian

Opinion: It's nearly unanimous: The political elite don't like ranked-choice voting: The Nevada Independent


Municipal Option Bill

To be introduced again by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: October 15, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 22, 6:30pm. Our monthly meeting are the 4th Tuesday of the month! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.

Letter to the Editor Training: Dec 2, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.




Put ranked-choice voting at the top of your list: The Washington Post (An endorsement by the Post's Editorial Board)


Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!


Opinion: Americans Want More Choices for President. The Time for Ranked Choice Voting Is Now: Newsweek

Did you know you're not required to use ranked choice voting in Maine? 94.9 HOM

Lisa Murkowski is one of the last moderates left in the Senate. How does she survive? Deseret News

Free & Equal Elections: X/Twitter

Opinion: Are American elections genuinely free and fair? Concord Monitor

Bloomington Activists Fight Effort to Repeal New Ranked Choice Voting System: Independent Voter News

What’s Forcing Legislative Leaders Out of Office: Governing

Listen: Will changing how we cast ballots reduce toxic partisanship? We're about to find out: NPR

Liz Cheney Thinks a Third Party Might be Needed. Do Americans Want One? Middleweight Politics


Municipal Option Bill

To be introduced again by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, Better Ballot SC

Better Ballot Bulletin: October 1, 2024

Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

Hurricane Helene

I hope everyone is safe and if you don't have power that you will get it back shortly (I'm writing this newsletter using a hotspot. I'm grateful to have cell service). If you are in need of resources please reach out to the Red Cross of South Carolina or United Way of South Carolina. The United Way is also accepting donations for hurricane relief. Both are on the ground in our state.

Register to Vote

The window to register is about to close. Register in person at the local election office by October 4, close of business. If you register by mail, it can be post marked up to October 7. You can register online until October 6, 11:59pm online.

Great events to get plugged in!

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 22, 6:30pm. Our monthly meeting are the 4th Tuesday of the month! Join us to recap the month and discuss the future, locally. Join us in Columbia, Charleston, or virtually. Everyone will meet on the call and have a quick recap of what the state of the movement in South Carolina is and then we'll break into local groups.

Letter to the Editor Training: Oct 7, 8pm. Join other IRV enthusiasts in crafting letters for your local newsletters. Best practices and strategies will be discussed. All questions answered. By dedicating focused time to writing LTEs on a regular basis, you can help boost the IRV signal in your community and across the country.

IRV Pitch Training: Thursdays at 8pm. Learn how to pitch Instant Runoff Voting when canvassing on the street or at an event from a Rank the Vote National Organizer! We'll talk about best practices, and have opportunities for you to practice in a friendly environment. All questions welcome.




Fewest Votes Wins: Plurality victories in 2024 primaries: FairVote

Ranked Choice Voting Bill Introduced in Congress: Independent Voter News and The Fulrum

Can Elections Ever Be Normal: 22 Nonprofit Leaders Have a Plan: The Chronicle of Philanthropy

IRV elections means there's a majority winner: FairVote

Idaho has RCV on the ballot. Here's how a local news station is educating voters about it: The Explainer and Revisiting Ranked Choice Voting, Viewer Comments



Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!


Municipal Option Bill

To be introduced again by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2024 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. The bill will be reintroduced and we will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV. We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting. They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez,

President, {{}}