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Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV in SC.
Big News for SCH.4022Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70) This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. To move it forward, we need to convince the leaders of the Judiciary Committee.
We will be holding our first Lobbying Day next week. There will be trainings to properly prepare us. Join us to make our voices heard at the statehouse! Now is also a great time to write a Letter to the Editor in support of H.4022. Check out our guide. News in Instant Runoff VotingGeorgia had a bill introduced too: The Current Our Laboratories of Democracy Can Improve the Republic: The Ripon Society Editorial: A 13% salary increase? North Charleston’s political pay plan is ill-considered: Post and Courier Proportional RCV Gives Voter More Voice, and Candidates of the Choice: FairVote Snowplow Names Election Results: City of Madison (I'll admit. I was nervous they'd end up with a bunch more Boaty McBoatfaces, but I should have known that IRV would yield better results!)
Better Ballot SC EventsLobbying Day with BBSC: March 7. We rallied and now we're going to leverage that support. Join us to speak to our legislators. Lobby Day Trainings: Tonight and March 6. Join veteran lobbyist and former SC House member Anne Peterson to learn the ins and outs of being citizen lobbyists.
Future Events to Get Excited AboutQuarterly Meeting of the Board: April 19, 7pm. We will be conducting usual business and also electing a new member of our Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on the Board or would like to speak, please email us at [email protected] Statewide Strategy Call: Apr 26, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going hybrid this time! If you're near Charleston, join us in person. If not, join us via Zoom.
Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel! Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables! We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media! Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians. Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.
Thank you for reading, Nicole Sanchez President, BetterBallotSC |
Better Ballot Bulletin: March 1, 2023
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