Better Ballot Bulletin: January 1, 2022


First, I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy New Year! I hope that the spirit of growth and improvement reaches all aspects of your life, including your desire to strengthen our democracy.

Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV in SC.

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Virginia Republicans Used IRV to sweep the state for the first time in 12 years by picking candidates with broad support: Washington Post

The US House passed the Voter's Choice Act, the first bill that includes support for IRV at the federal level: FairVote

Better Ballot SC Events

Weekly Work Jam and Welcome: These free form Zoom sessions are all about getting work done. Roll up your sleeves to learn a new skill or contribute with what your best at. Wednesdays: January 12 and January 19.

Pitch Training: January 12, 8:30om. Join us to learn how to talk to people about Instant Runoff Voting.

Meeting and Trivia: January 13, Old Mill Brewhouse, Lexington. Bring your thinking caps for this informal meeting and then trivia night.

Canvassing at the Soda City Market: January 15 and January 22. They'll come for the food and shopping and we'll educate them about instant runoff voting. Join us for a good time talking to our fellow South Carolinians.

January Statewide Call (1 year anniversary): January 26 @ 7pm. Join us to get the latest updates and to recap this year's activities. We'll be meeting via Zoom. Register here.


RCV Day:

Mark your calendars for RCV Day, 1/23 (123, get it? We're so punny). This is a nationwide event to promote RCV/IRV that will run all weekend. We'll be sending out additional details soon. If you have any suggestions or are interested in participating, please fill out this short form (it really is short, I assure you)


Want to get involved? It's a great way to learn new skills or to hone current ones. Check out all the ways that you can contribute to this great movement. For some, you don't even have to leave the house!

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!

Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.

Hope to see you soon,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States


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