Candidate Support

It's important to know where candidates stand on important issues such as instant runoff voting, especially in crowded fields. The Mayoral races in Charleston and North Charleston are two such races. We have asked the candidates where they stand. Find below the responses that they have provided. Please note that Better Ballot SC does not support any candidate in particular. We have sought these responses so that you, the voter, can make a more informed decision


William Cogswell: William is supportive of instant runoff voting. He is "100% in favor" because it saves money.

Mika Gadsen: No response provided

Debra Gammons: Debra was unfamiliar with instant runoff voting before our conversation with her and has stated that she will look into it more closely.

Clay Middleton: No response provided

Peter Shahid: No response provided

John Tecklenberg: No response provided

North Charleston

Reggie Burgess: No response provided

Russ Coletti: No response provided

Rhonda Jerome: Rhonda is supportive of instant runoff voting. "I believe this could save our taxpayers money that could be used elsewhere."

Stephanie Ganaway-Pasley: Stephanie is supportive of instant runoff voting.  "I enthusiastically endorse ranked choice voting (aka instant runoff voting) because I believe it will ultimately help improve our politics and therefor our community. It helps restore real choice to voters while also diminishing the toxicity of our politics. And it saves money by eliminating the need for run-offs."

Curtis Merriweather: Curtis is not supportive of instant runoff voting

Todd Olds: No response provided

Teddy Pryor: No response provided

John Singetary: John is not supportive of instant runoff voting

Samuel Whatley: No response provided

Jesse Williams: No response provided



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