Better Ballot Bulletin: November 1, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.


IRV Presidential Primary Polls


Check out the round by round breakdown

Wondering where the Democratic Poll results are? RFK, Jr dropped out of the Democratic Primary, making an IRV contest unnecessary. Worry not though. A new contender has entered the race: Dean Phillips. Vote below.

The new polls have launched! Please vote in yours today

November Republican Primary Poll

November Democratic Primary Poll

Share, SHARE, SHARE the Republican poll! The more South Carolinians who vote in it the better! This poll will close at the end of October and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!


Better Ballot SC Events

Quarterly Board Meeting: Jan 17, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business and hold our board elections. If you would like to contribute or serve on the board, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Jan 24, 7pm. This will be our 3 year anniversary call! Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! We'll be in Charleston!


News in Instant Runoff Voting

Term Limits Won't Fix Congress - Here's What Might: NPR Politics Podcast (Around 14 minutes, they begin discussing ranked choice voting)

Editorial: 8 Picks for North Charleston City Council: Post & Courier (One of them even endorses IRV: Dan Gregory Dist 7)

What to Expect in November's Ranked Choice Voting Elections: Part 1: FairVote

Portland Mayor Kate Snyder endorses two candidates as her successor: WMTW (A great benefit of instant runoff voting)

Mike Pence Dropped Out: Instant Runoff Polling Can Tell Us Where His Voters Will Go: FairVote


Have you heard what's happening in Charleston and N. Charleston?

The Charleston mayoral election has 6 candidates and will likely go to a runoff. The North Charleston mayoral election has 10 candidates and the winner will almost certainly have significantly less than 50% of the vote.

This is a great opportunity to talk up instant runoff voting and we're mobilizing. Stay tuned for more interesting events around these elections. If you would like to learn more, email us at [email protected]


Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: October 15, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.


IRV Presidential Primary Polls

Get your votes in now to vote for your favorite candidates!

October Republican Primary Poll

We have discontinued the Democratic Poll because there are now only two candidates running.

Share, SHARE, SHARE the Republican poll! The more South Carolinians who vote in it the better! This poll will close at the end of October and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!


Better Ballot SC Events

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Canvassing at SC PrideFest: Oct 21, 11am. Join us for canvassing at South Carolina PrideFest in Columbia. We'll bring the clipboards and pens, you bring the enthusiasm and smiles! We'll be speaking to festival attendees about the benefits of instant runoff voting. Scripts will be provided.

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! We'll be at Swamp Rabbit Brewery in Travelers Rest!


Have you heard what's happening in Charleston and N. Charleston?

The Charleston mayoral election has 6 candidates and will likely go to a runoff. The North Charleston mayoral election has 10 candidates and the winner will almost certainly have significantly less than 50% of the vote.

This is a great opportunity to talk up instant runoff voting and we're mobilizing. Stay tuned for more interesting events around these elections. If you would like to learn more, email us at [email protected]

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Vrigin Islands GOP using IRV for the Presidential Primary: Townhall

Memphis Mayor Elected with Just 28% of the vote. The City Needs IRV (a cautionary tale that we may see again in North Charleston come November: FairVote

New Ranked Choice Voting Poll Examines The Republican Presidential Field After Second Debate: FairVote

CCSD students ask Board of Trustees to stop bringing politics to the classroom. And they want instant runoff voting: ABCNews4


Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: October 1, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

September Poll Results

This month Haley maintained her top spot but Biden surpassed Williamson

IRV Presidential Primary Polls

Get your votes in now to vote for your favorite candidates!

October Republican Primary Poll

October Democratic Primary Poll

Share, SHARE, SHARE these polls! The more South Carolinians who vote in them the better! These polls will close at the end of September and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!


News in Instant Runoff Voting

Multiple Utah Cities set to use instant runoff voting in next election: Public News Service

Ranked Choice Voting Solves the Dropout Problem in Lehi, Utah: FairVote

Do Third Parties Have a Place in the 2024 Presidential Election? Divided We Fall

Could Republican Primaries Benefit From Ranked Choice Voting? FairVote Action

Other Democracy News

Political theorist promotes "Our Common Purpose" plan to reinvent American Democracy: PBS Newshour


Better Ballot SC Events

Canvassing at SC PrideFest: Oct 15, 11am. Join us for canvassing at South Carolina PrideFest in Columbia. We'll bring the clipboards and pens, you bring the enthusiasm and smiles! We'll be speaking to festival attendees about the benefits of instant runoff voting (also known as ranked choice voting). Scripts will be provided.

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! Location TBD

Have you heard what's happening in Charleston and N. Charleston?

The Charleston mayoral election has 6 candidates and will likely go to a runoff. The North Charleston mayoral election has 10 candidates and the winner will almost certainly have significantly less than 50% of the vote.

This is a great opportunity to talk up instant runoff voting and we're mobilizing. Stay tuned for more interesting events around these elections. If you would like to learn more, email us at [email protected]


Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: September 15, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

IRV Presidential Primary Polls

Get your votes in now to vote for your favorite candidates!

September Republican Primary Poll

September Democratic Primary Poll

Current winners:

Nikki Haley

Joe Biden

Share, SHARE, SHARE these polls! The more South Carolinians who vote in them the better! These polls will close at the end of September and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!


News in Instant Runoff Voting

Nikki Haley emerges as frontrunner in South Carolina GOP ranked-choice presidential poll: ABCNews4 The Clinton Chronicle

Special election primary for vacant SC Senate seat goes to runoff: The State

Ranked CHoice Voting Straw Polls in Iowa and South Carolina Offer Insight on 2024 Primaries: FairVote

Deliberative Democracy Poll: 59% of voters support ranked choice voting for state elections: FairVote


Better Ballot SC Events

Have you heard what's happening in Charleston and N. Charleston?

The Charleston mayoral election has 6 candidates and will likely go to a runoff. The North Charleston mayoral election has 10 candidates and the winner will almost certainly have significantly less than 50% of the vote.

This is a great opportunity to talk up instant runoff voting and we're mobilizing. Stay tuned for more interesting events around these elections. If you would like to learn more, email us at [email protected]

IRV Lunch and Learn: Sept 26. Join Vice President of Better Ballot SC Marcurius Byrd & Head of the Greenville County Elections Office Conway Belangia at the September 26th Lunch and Learn. These sessions are free and open to the public as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. Herring Center for Lifelong Learning.


Future Events to Get Excited About

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! Location TBD

Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

We are looking for:


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: September 1, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

IRV Presidential Primary Polls

And the winners are...

Get your votes in now to vote for your favorite candidates!

September Republican Primary Poll

September Democratic Primary Poll

Share, SHARE, SHARE these polls! The more South Carolinians who vote in them the better! These polls will close at the end of September and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!

Plus, you can still Rank Your Sauce

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Commentary: Ranked-choice primary would increase odds of Haley or Scott win: Post and Courier

Editorial: Haley-Scott-Youngkin argument should prompt change in SC primary rules: Post and Courier

My Turn: Instant runoff voting could fix broken election system: Statehouse Report

Listen: Rank the Vote, Rock the Vote: Politicology

Vote by Mail is Better with Ranked Choice Voting: FairVote


Better Ballot SC Events

Canvassing at the Polls with BBSC, Sept 5: With three Democratic candidates, we'll likely have a runoff! Talk this up with voters as they exit the polls.

Future Events to Get Excited About

IRV Lunch and Learn: Sept 26. Join Vice President of Better Ballot SC Marcurius Byrd & Head of the Greenville County Elections Office Conway Belangia at the September 26th Lunch and Learn. These sessions are free and open to the public as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. Herring Center for Lifelong Learning.

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! Location TBD

Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: August 15, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

IRV Presidential Primary Polls

Columbia News19 Segment

We're half way through our first month of our Republican Primary and Democratic Primary Polls

Our winners so far:

Nikki Haley

Marianne Williamson

Share, SHARE, SHARE these polls! The more South Carolinians who vote in them the better! The polls will close at the end of August and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!

Plus, you can still Rank Your Sauce

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Commentary: Ranked-choice primary would increase odds of Haley or Scott win: Post and Courier

Editorial: When fewer candidates actually gives voters a clearer choice: Post and Courier

Sen Lisa Murkowski: Alaska's Final Four System Gives Voters Real Choice: Independent Voter Network

Ranked Choice Voting May Help Conservatives: The John Fredericks Show

New National Deliberative Poll Shows Bipartisan Support for Polarizing Issues Affecting American Democracy: Stanford University

Other News

Commentary: SC special-election rules increase burnout, cost. Here's an easy fix: Post and Courier


Better Ballot SC Events

Pitch Training: Election Edition, Aug 29: There's a special election in North Charleston and it's a great way to find IRV supporters. Learn how to talk about this election at the canvass or with your neighbors.

Canvassing at the Polls with BBSC, Sept 5: With three Democratic candidates, we'll likely have a runoff! Talk this up with voters as they exit the polls.

Future Events to Get Excited About

IRV Lunch and Learn: Sept 26. Join President of Better Ballot SC Nicole Sanchez & Head of the Greenville County Elections Office Conway Belangia at the September 26th Lunch and Learn. These sessions are free and open to the public as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. Herring Center for Lifelong Learning.

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! Location TBD

Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States


Better Ballot Bulletin: August 1, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

IRV Presidential Primary Polls

Today we are launching our IRV primary polls! Please take the poll for the election that you plan to vote in and share both of them! We want as many South Carolinians to take the polls so that we can see who the true favorite is for the upcoming Presidents primaries.

Republican Primary Poll

Democratic Primary Poll

The polls will close at the end of August and we'll be launching a new one every month until the primaries are over.

This is a fantastic way to educate our fellow South Carolinians about instant runoff voting (aka ranked choice voting). Share, SHARE, SHARE!!!

Plus, you can still Rank Your Sauce

News in Instant Runoff Voting

July 2023 IRV Update: FairVote Action

DC Election Board Gives Initial Green Light To Ballot Initiative on Ranked Choice Voting And Open Primaries: The DCist

Lisa Murkowski on the Firing Line Show: Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (clip)

Watch: Kevin Kosar talks election reform: C-Span

Brief: Impact Analysis of NYC's Woman Majority Council (elected using IRV): Represent Women


Better Ballot SC Events

Pitch Training: Election Edition, Aug 29: There's a special election in North Charleston and it's a great way to find IRV supports. Learn how to talk about this election at the canvass or with your neighbors.

Canvassing at the Polls with BBSC, Sept 5: With three Democratic candidates, we'll likely have a runoff! Talk this up with voters as they exit the polls.

Future Events to Get Excited About

Webinar: How Ranked Choice Voting Works with Multiple Candidates to fill 2 or more seats: Aug 9. The American Sustainable Business Network will host UpVote Virginia's Liz White to explain it. Register here.

IRV Lunch and Learn: Sept 26. Join President of Better Ballot SC Nicole Sanchez & Head of the Greenville County Elections Office Conway Belangia at the September 26th Lunch and Learn. These sessions are free and open to the public as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. Herring Center for Lifelong Learning.

Quarterly Board Meeting: Oct 19, 6pm. Join us at our quarterly board meeting where we'll discuss regular business. If you would like to contribute, please email us at [email protected].

Statewide Strategy Call: Oct 25, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! Location TBD

Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: July 15, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

We've started an IRV poll to Rank Your Sauce and you get early access! Rank Your Sauce

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Here's what happened in New York City's RCV Elections: FairVote

Why do voters have to pick a Republican or a Democrat?: The Conversation, Curious Kids

The Power of Rage-Based Fundraising: Axios

Connecticut just allowed the use of proportional ranked choice voting (aka single transferable vote): FairVote

Here from the man who first implemented IRV in Utah: Business for Democracy (bottom webinar)

Ranked Choice Voting Could Be Coming to Oregon: FairVote

Better Ballot SC Events

Phonebanking: July 19. We're calling supporters! Join us via Zoom to make calls.

Quarterly Meeting of the Board: July 19, 6pm. We will be conducting usual business. If you are interested in speaking, please email us at [email protected]

Statewide Strategy Call: July 26, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! If you're near Columbia, join us in person. If not, join us via Zoom. Location: Beef O'Brady's

Future Events to Get Excited About

IRV Lunch and Learn: Sept 26. Join President of Better Ballot SC Nicole Sanchez & Head of the Greenville County Elections Office Conway Belangia at the September 26th Lunch and Learn. These sessions are free and open to the public as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. Herring Center for Lifelong Learning.


Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: July 1, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV/RCV in SC.

News in Instant Runoff Voting

Why Ranked Choice Voting is a Win For Republicans: The Hill

Stories From Arlington's First Use of RCV: FairVote, League of Women Voters of Arlington and Alexandria City, Ranked Choice Voting is 'Super Easy:' Independent Voter Network

Ranked Choice Voting could come to Oregon, if voters say yes in 2024: The Oregonian This is the first time that a legislature moved ranked choice voting forward and sets a great precedent!

New York City's 2023 Ranked Choice Voting Primaries: FairVote

Alaska loves using Ranked Choice Voting. They're even using it to decide their next license plate: Alaska Native News


Better Ballot SC Events

Canvassing at the Soda City Market: July 1, 10am. Let's gather supporters and spread the word!

Quarterly Meeting of the Board: July 19, 7:30pm. We will be conducting usual business. If you are interested in speaking, please email us at [email protected]

Statewide Strategy Call: July 26, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! If you're near Columbia, join us in person. If not, join us via Zoom. Location: Beef O'Brady's


Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States

Better Ballot Bulletin: June 15, 2023


Welcome to the Better Ballot Bulletin. Here you will find important updates in the world of instant runoff voting and events to attend that help spread the word of IRV in SC.

Better Ballot SC Events

Pitch Training: June 28, 7pm. We'll be focusing on tip and tricks related to the the growing Republican primary field.

Canvassing at the Soda City Market: July 1, 10am. Put those newly honed skills to work and let's gather supporters!

Quarterly Meeting of the Board: July 19, 7:30pm. We will be conducting usual business. If you are interested in speaking, please email us at [email protected]

Statewide Strategy Call: July 26, 7pm. Join us to recap the quarter and discuss the future. We have lots coming up. RSVP today. We're going *hybrid* again! If you're near Columbia, join us in person. If not, join us via Zoom. Location: Beef O'Brady's

Other Events to Know About

Braver Angels: Common Ground-Ensuring Trustworthy Elections In person event, Sat Jun 24 12pm. Furman University. RSVP here.


Looking to get involved before then? Contact us at [email protected]

Want to be more connected? Join our Slack channel!



Introduced by Representatives Neal Collins (R-5) and Dr Jermaine Johnson (D-70)

This bill will give municipalities the option of using instant runoff voting in elections. The regular 2023 legislative is over, but that does NOT mean the effort is. We will be doubling our efforts to find more supporters. We need to gather more support so that we can push it even further next session!

Summer Campaign


We are actively looking for cosponsors for this municipal option bill. The best way to do this is to sit down with legislatures and have a conversation with them about the benefits of IRV.

We know that talking to our legislators can be intimidating. If you would like to meet with your elected officials or have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We can provide support and guidance.

Municipal Resolutions of Support

We have the support of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, but we want individual municipalities to show their support of this great electoral reform.

When the elected officials who will be most affected by this new option are supportive, it will go a long way to show the legislature that this should be passed.

Business Support

The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce has joined our coalition in support of instant runoff voting/ranked choice voting.

They are actively looking for businesses to sign on and show their support. If you are a business owner or know one, please sign the petition.


News in Instant Runoff Voting

Letters: Ranked Choice Voting would force candidates to campaign in all states: Post & Courier

Webinar Recap: Women Win With Ranked Choice Voting: FairVote

Ranked Choice Voting made the Mini: Gamer Journalist

Competing for the same City Council seat in Harlem, two candidates endorse each other: Gothamist

How Single Member Districts Are Weakening the Foundations of American Democracy & Policy Options for Reform ft. Grant Tudor: Politics is Everything (UVA)


Are you looking for a flyer to hang up at your local community board? Or maybe something to handout to people? Check out our Printables!

We have an easy way to get involved! Sign our petition! Show your support of instant runoff voting by signing and sharing. Remember to share it to your social media!

Did you know that there are Better Ballot SC Facebook groups for your county? Join yours today to help build the movement in your backyard

If you like what you've read here and would like us to continue our efforts, please donate. We're building momentum here in South Carolina. Help us continue to educate our fellow South Carolinians.

Consider making a monthly contribution. It helps us to better strategize our long term goals.


Thank you for reading,

Nicole Sanchez

President, BetterBallotSC

BetterBallotSC BetterBallotSC · SC 29420, United States